
Top 1% Major Site Competition Era

Top 1% Major Site Competition Era


To attract more and more and more members in the Toto industry at this time,

It’s like giving a lot of bonuses such as first charge 토토사이트 bonus + every charge bonus + various events.

If you use a normal major site, you can get these benefits

It’s a great environment for betters.

” However, “In this atmosphere, more and more members are suffering from eating and running

Did you know that?

From the perspective of Totosite’s management, the environment is better than other companies

PC, mobile betting system, various events, first charge bonus, etc

You need to make everything harmonious and create an environment where the betters who joined can settle down

While giving out the first bonus and various event money,

It creates an environment where you can operate.
At the same time, the company’s Toto site has the minimum recovery rate

It should be operated so that it does not exceed the capital.

Totosite, which was created indiscriminately without these calculations, is more important than its competitors

If you start operating by promoting more first-time events, better dividend rates, and events,

With that bonus, the members’ money goes up quickly

It creates a situation that could be fatal to the capital prepared at the start of operation.

If the amount of money a member has to be refunded exceeds the amount of capital, the loss will increase over time

As it grows bigger and bigger, it’s bound to be in the red, and it operates day by day with the amount charged

In the end, you shouldn’t have paid money, blocked membership ID, and found out

It can cause damage to members by eating and running.

Even though the amount of damage was small at first, if more and more members get food and run,

That’s how much damage will increase.


Major sites located in the top 1% of Korea

Major sites compete with the top 1% of the Toto industry in Korea

It is a site that operates with various events as well as strong and strong funding power.

In order to determine the capital power of a major site, it’s usually the result of all kinds of food, run, and test communities

Check the number of banners.

Most major sites are bold online

Not only is it active marketing, but if you use it, you can also invest in promotional funds, but the dividend rate is high, and the size of the event is also different from that of the general Toto site

It’s going on incomparably large.